21 & 28 March 2024 Steel Update

Steel tubing is specialized grade steel required to make the mount between the helicopter and the concrete stanchion which will allow the helicopter to be positioned 5 degrees nose down and 3 degrees right wing down on the display. Missing is the 48″ x62″x 1″ thick steel plate and .24″ thick alum shim spacer, 62″x 48″ which is also part of this mount being fabricated by the Navy FRC Southwest.

I met the steel delivery guy this morning for Bill Personius and made sure it found its way to the right guys in BLDG #472 at FRCSW (next to the Rotor Blade Test Swinging Cage).

The truck brought a 48”x62”x1” piece of A-36 steel plate for the actual aircraft mount along with a 1.5”x19”x24” piece of A-36 steel which will be attached to the top of the Concrete Stanchion.  You are looking at roughly $2000 worth of steel.